Our Activities

Events: Organize panels and events, autonomously or in collaboration with other Bocconi  students associations. We aim to foster learning and knowledge-sharing  by inviting  successful women in the industry as guest speakers.

Networking: Support the career development of our members through a  network of students and professionals, in order to exchange experiences  and create  future collaborations.

Workshops & Mentoring Program: Receive advice and training for our members to develop both soft and hard skills.

Letter from our Founder

The durable gender gap in finance-related industries has led many companies to start acting upon it. Recognizing the challenges of  breaking into this sector as young female graduates, I decided to found an association at Bocconi University, with the collaboration  of seven extremely ambitious and talented fellow students.

We aspire to create a community where cooperation prevails over competition. Bocconi Students Women in Finance’s underlying  mission and passion is to empower female students and help them realize their goals. We believe that collaboration and support  are key to reducing the deep-rooted gender bias and, eventually, shatter the glass ceiling. Through workshops, panels and events,  we aim to instill confidence in fellow female students and to empower them.

As the first female Bocconi association entirely focused on finance, we expand and evolve as needed to meet the changing  landscape. We started out, four years ago, with 8 members and count today more than 40 active members, and 30+ alumnae.

Bocconi Students Women in Finance  has exciting plans for the future. I look forward to sharing them with you.


Yan Yue Giada Zhang, Founder of Bocconi Students Women in Finance and Founder & CEO of Mulan Group